Commercial Auto Insurance in Florida

When running an enterprise in Florida, you will incur several costs for the business to run smoothly. Among the costs to pay is commercial auto insurance in Florida.
Most people know that a commercial vehicle is a large truck, but this is not always the case. Any vehicle that is used for commercial purposes in the state of Florida needs to have an active insurance policy with at least the minimum requirements.

What Is Commercial Auto Insurance?

Also referred to as commercial vehicle insurance, it is a policy you take to protect the vehicles you use to run your business. The vehicles might be heavy hauler, garbage truck, refrigerator truck, cement mixer, tanker, flatbed, tractor-trailer, dump truck, vans, work cars, staff buses, truck, semi, tractor, and 18-wheelers, among others. This policy will shelter you from any risk that comes with the use of these vehicles during working hours.
The laws in Florida require every commercial vehicle to get insurance. Aside from keeping up with the law, the policy also shields you from legal liabilities, with you as the defendant.

What You Need to Know About Commercial Auto Insurance in Florida

Florida records around 400000 automotive accidents each year and 10% of this figure involve commercial vehicles. Interstate 95, in Florida, is one of the deadliest roads in the United States due to the road accidents it records, of which a substantial number is commercial tracks.
If you are a business person in Florida, here is what you need to know about commercial vehicle insurance.

1. The Risk

When you operate a commercial vehicle, several risks come your way. They include damage to property, injury to road users, and also damage to the vehicles. When you get a commercial auto policy, you protect yourself and business from various costs that may come with these risks. For example, if your vehicle causes injury to someone, without insurance, you will incur hefty legal charges. You can forego these liabilities by insuring yourself with a credible insurance firm.

2. How Much Does Commercial Auto Insurance Cost?

Most of the time, you will look for the cheapest commercial auto insurance in Florida or look for value for whatever you will spend. There are several factors that firms look at to come up with the cost of your policy. These include the age of the car, the mileage, the type of business, or which material it transports. The firms will also consider if the vehicle operates locally or takes part in interstate commerce, its claims history, and safety ratings. Your employees’ records may be an additional factor to run a check.

3. Activities that Require this Policy

Commercial vehicle insurance cover various automobiles involved in any form of business activities. Some of the activities that require you to take this insurance cover include transportation of people and goods, hauling, and also if you move oversized loads.

What The Commercial Auto Insurance Covers

Going back to the point on risk, here are some of the perils that commercial auto insurance in Florida should cover:
– Comprehensive physical damage, which encompasses any damage to your vehicle.
– Combined single limit.
– Property damage and collision. In this case, it takes to account the property the car crashes, even if it is another vehicle. Here, the policy can come through to sort out repairs for the other party.
– Body injury liability, in case of injury or death of passengers or pedestrians. It also includes medical payments for personal injury to the driver and other employees.
– Protection against uninsured or hit-and-run drivers. The policies should also protect you against under insured vehicles in case of a collision.

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Getting a Commercial Vehicle Insurer in Florida

Florida is home to several insurance firms spread around the different cities in the state. You need to be keen on your choice of an insurer to cover your commercial vehicles, paying much attention to credibility.
Here are some of the factors to look at when seeking a company that provides the best commercial auto insurance in Florida.


The first factor to look at is the legitimacy of the firm. It should be registered as a company and legalized to run its operation. This way, you are sure that the funds you pay for the policy are safe and that the company will come to your aid in case of accidents.
You can check on the insurance regulatory authority to see if the company has the authorization to operate.

The Flexibility of The Commercial Auto Insurance Policies

The policies you take for your vehicle need to be flexible to reflect on your financial position and preferred payment arrangements. You may get firms that allow you to take monthly covers or yearly covers paid in installments. A flexible model of pay is ideal for growing businesses.
Some policies are comprehensive and will cover several risks under one cover. Apart from flexibility, they are also affordable.

Cost of the Policies

Different insurance firms charge differently when it comes to insurance covers. While the cheaper automotive insurance in Florida seems attractive, you should pay much attention to the value it offers. Understand that the cheaper the offer, most of the time, means a less attractive package.
A commercial auto insurance broker can advise you accordingly on which policy to go for depending on cost.

Claims Settlement

Another important area to look at when getting a suitable insurer is how they tackle claims settlement. One of the major complaints clients have when dealing with insurance firms is the slow process of settling claims, to the point of being very frustrating. You should look for insurers renown for a speedy settlement process. It shows how professional and reliable they are in giving you your dues.
Florida witnesses a substantial rate of accidents annually, most of which involve commercial vehicles such as trucks and vans. This fact shows you the need to insure your vehicles at all times. The law, in the state of Florida, requires all businesses to have their commercial vehicles insured. The insurance helps shelter you from risks, most of which come through accidents.
When getting a commercial vehicle cover, you should know what the policy entails, as well as paying attention to your insurer. Get the right insurance company, and you have the guarantee of a smooth business environment. Furnish yourself with more info on commercial auto insurance in Florida to understand how things go in this state.
Our agency is one of the leading independent insurance agencies in Tampa and Brandon, FL. We are ready to help you find better coverage for cheap.

What Kind of Commercial Vehicle I Can Insure?

Our agency may help you get coverage and protect your business in Florida and Texas. We are able to insure your passenger vehicle, passenger bus, box truck, cargo van, pickup truck, sport utility vehicle, heavy haulers, garbage trucks, dump truck, refrigerator trucks, cement mixers, tankers, flatbeds, tractor-trailers, semi, tractors, 18-wheelers and others.

Average Cost Per Year State Minimum Car Insurance Basic Full Car Insurance Full Car Insurance
Florida $835 $1,620 $1,920
Texas $718 $1,565 $1,842
Tennessee $539 $1,354 $1,583

How Can I Get an Affordable Commercial Auto Insurance in Tampa?

Getting the right coverage for your business vehicle is easy. All you need to do is to click the button below and fill out the quote form. We are a commercial auto insurance agency in Tampa, Florida. We may help you get coverage and protect your business.
Let us help you find the best available coverage at the best possible price. Various payment options are available, including low down payments, monthly payments, and deductible options that will suit most budgets. Let Insurance Direct assist you with your insurance needs by simply calling 813-849-7000 or completing an instant business insurance quote online.

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